Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year

Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Social Media & Causes

So what happened? We all got together on TweetChat and tweeted away. All types of donations were accepted; even $1. I mean come on? If we can spend $100 on sneakers, why can't we donate $1 to help kids in our home countries. The power of social media strikes again. Thank you to all who donated.
Tweets before the New Year
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
A Memory from the Decade
I was just reminiscing my stroll days and to this date my favorite stroll will always be "Weekend @ Bernies". Oh memories :).
Top 10 of 2010

Since everyone decided to make a Top 10 decade list I might as well too. Although I can't really recall specific events that happened in my life each year, I'll just try to remember as I go along. And no not everything was happy-go-lucky, there were horrible things happening in our lives but we just learned from them.
- September 2001 - No one expected these attacks, no one.
- June 2002 - Can you believe I graduated from Plainfield High School 7 years ago? Who would've thought this NJ born Colombian would've ended up in Philadelphia.
- September 2002 - Why wait? Go to college. My first semester at Widener University sure was an interesting one. Let's not relive those memories haha.
- September 2003 - Probably one of the biggest decision I've made, I had to start all over again at Temple University.
- February - April 2004 - So instead of relying on alcohol, I spent a good portion of this semester going through my education intake process. Thanks Gamma Phi Sigma Thanks.
- February 2006 - We all go through difficult times and unfortunately it takes a death for us to realize what is wrong in the world. R.I.P. Ciara N. Deprill 2-3-06
- January 2007 - This NJ born Colombiano graduated from Temple University! Yes there were some hard times but I did it in 4 1/2 years! Luckily, Taller PR accepted me full time after graduation.
- August 2008 - Remember, you only live once so take a trip out of the country! Well technically it wasn't but it sure was the closest I've been to Africa. And to think, I went to Puerto Rico again the following year.
- June 2008 - Gamma Phi Sigma SILK 08 Stroll Champions. *sigh* lol
- November 2009 - Pledgemaster Navaja scores again. 'nuff said
Monday, December 28, 2009
Bejeweled: Great Game or Time Waster?

It wasn't until a few months ago when Bejeweled decided to add more features like Blazing Speed and Star supers. Now almost anyone could get scores up to 200,000+. Do you think there is a strategy to the game? Of course there is. But I won't let you know :).
More to do in AC: Believe It or Not

I have been to one other Ripley museum but I had forgotten how strange it was and still is. Although a little pricey, the walkway at the end of the museum makes it worth the money. Exhibits include weird animals, crazy survivor stories and a walkway that will make you wish you were never drunk when you got there. There are also a lot of fun facts and quizzes throughout the walls of the exhibits which make you ponder about random facts.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Feliz Navidad

See you el lunes!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tweets of the Days Before Xmas
Philagrafika 2010

Some of the artists include:
- Jose Roca - Prior to becoming Artistic Director of Philagrafika 2010, Roca managed the arts program at the Banco de la República in Bogotá for a decade, establishing it as one of the most respected institutions in the Latin American circuit.
- Pepón Osorio is best known for multimedia works that combine elements of popular culture, domestic life and performance in order to address political and cultural issues concerning Latino communities in the United States
- Over the past 30 years, Self Help Graphics & Art has emerged as the leading visual arts cultural center which serves the predominantly Chicano/Mexicano community of Los Angeles.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Congrats NOTA!

What do you think they'll do next? Will the lead singer stay with the group? I'm just happy for the positive portrayal of Latinos.
A Good Heart - AVATAR

So what constitutes a good person? A good person knows what's right for others even though it's wrong for your own friends, family, etc. (and vice versa). We always think about the people we meet and whether or not they will be our true friends; sometimes they will sometimes they won't. We always assume people have hidden agendas and sometimes that is right. In the end, we will see what kind of person they are and if they were given a person. In Avatar, Jake Sully realized his true calling and made a choice to become part of the Navi.
Moral of the story: humans suck haha.
Monday, December 21, 2009
New Years Eve in New York City

I highly doubt I will be with the crazy people at Times Square. I don't even know how people can drink and NOT use the restroom. Apparently once you have your standing room, you can't go anywhere! That just isn't my cup of tea.
Anyone have suggestions for things to do on NYE or New Years Day in NYC?
Friday, December 18, 2009
AT&T Strikes Again

So little did I know as soon as I posted this, AT&T decided to launch social networking sites for Latinos! AT&T Latino channels include Facebook, MySpace and YouTube, as part of its commitment to give Spanish-speaking customers access to the content and services they want, whenever and wherever they want it. Music seems to be a common theme throughout the 3 pages. But is this targeting younger Latinos? Older Latinos? Or just Spanish-speaking Latinos?
The Latism people spread the message throughout the Twitterverse but whether or not we'll become fans is the question. AT&T designed the pages to keep consumers up-to-speed on AT&T's entertainment sponsorships, exclusive content, promotions and special offers, along with the latest in technology trends and tips for AT&T products and services. So far Thalia an Paulina Rubio have messages on the YouTube account; I'm not really a fan of either artist.
So will you join?
Thursday, December 17, 2009
I Support NOTA
I think everyone agrees that if NOTA does not win The Sing Off, there will be hell to pay. I mean if you look at the Twitter trending topic #singoff, you can see that they are a popular group. Check one of their best performances from episode two.
That Really Grinds My Gears...Our Journey

I put it out there on Twitter than Latinos need to work twice as hard as any other minority group. Do you think this is true? Are we just given our degrees, paycheck, careers, etc?
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Start the New Year With a Movie

How do you win? Just comment on this post or the original entry post with your name city and contact info. Yep, it's that easy. I'll pick a winner by January 1st.
For more info about the movie, click here or to watch the preview, check out YouTube.
Tweets of the Cold Day
Ahh yes Tweets of the day. Not a day goes by that I don't laugh at someone's ranting via Twitter or just complaining about life. @AnaRC said it best, "Still don't say/write online what you wouldn't say/write on tv or newspapers." Yet people continue to curse, demoralize a person's character, etc. Oh well, here are today's TWEETS OF THE DAY!
Is Journalism dying? People are having trouble looking for jobs.
Is Journalism dying? People are having trouble looking for jobs.
Read on...Read on.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Thank You Customer Service

So we all love complaining via Twitter about our cable, cell phone, gas, water, landlords, etc. But what are we to do when they actually answer back!? About a month ago I believe I was complaining about AT&T and out of no where someone replies. @ATTcustomercare was there to the rescue, luckily there wasn't a problem, it was just me being frustrated.
But of course no one is perfect. Today I was duped into updating my BBM software. My cell phone decided to freeze in the middle of the upgrade so I had to take the battery out. When I turned it on BOOM no BBM. Luckily again AT&T answered the call. I was afraid I was going to be given a number to call but I wasn't. In the end I solved the problem but I was glad they were there to answer the messages. I'm glad they know the importance of social media outreach. I mean think about it, don't we always complain about something via Twitter?
Get off Your Cell Phone Señor

Can you go a day without your cell phone? How about an hour without Tweeting? Well apparently Latinos just love to use mobile technology. Although Latinos may not have computers at home, we sure do keep in touch with cell phones. According to a Pew Research Center study, English-speaking adult Hispanics are no more likely than whites to own cell phones: 75% of whites own cells, 72% of Latinos (a statistically insignificant difference).
Think about it though. Does your aunt, abuelita, mom or dad own a home computer? Nope but I bet they have a Virgin Mobile, Cricket or Boost Mobile cell phone? Okay maybe Verizon considering they like to sponsor a lot of Latino events. We're probably always on our cell phone because we NEED to be in touch with our family. There are times where if I don't call home, the parents get a little irritated and think somethings wrong.
At last weekend's Latism conference, there was a session about mobile applications. The message: Marketers should think about using mobile applications to cater to ALL audiences. So what carrier do you think most Latinos have? I personally have AT&T and have been with them for over six years.
Monday, December 14, 2009
More Latinos on Mainstream Reality TV

Mainstream reality TV shows strike again adding Latino flavor. Maybe it's been done before and I just haven't been paying attention, but today The Sing Off premiered on NBC and of course we have our Puerto Ricans: Nota. Nota, from San Juan, Puerto Rico is an all-male sextet met in college and have been sharing their passion for music ever since. Although they grew up in Puerto Rico with Spanish as their first language, the guys have been exposed to many American groups and have been inspired by some, such as Boys II Men.
Although Afroborike didn't win America's Best Dance Crew maybe Nota can take this home with their singing? I'm actually just waiting to see a Latino on MTV's The Real World...a Latino who doesn't have an attitude or isn't gay.
In case you missed #Latism-DC
After attending Latism-DC I realized one thing: WE ARE OUT THERE! Latism-DC was a great experience because I:
Here's a great recap about how LatISM-DC began.
- Learned a few new tips and tricks
- Engaged in conversations with influential Latinos
- Got to meet some of the founders/creators of Latism and Latism-DC!
Here's a great recap about how LatISM-DC began.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Mi familia y mas

Right now it is 10:42 p.m. and all I can think about is my family. To be honest I think that is a problem. I was taught no matter what you family is most important. Is that true? No matter how old you are is your mother, father, aunt, brother the most important person? After several years, I realized "YOU" are the most important person in your life.
As Latinos, we were raised to remember where we came from. And I totally believe in that, but "fortunately" we are American which means we will do whatever it takes to make "ourselves" successful. We have to remember our parents came here for a reason; they came here to support our future goals.
To read what else I think, go to BeingLatino's blog (it just makes sense).
That Really Grinds My Gears...Stress

According to the article, "cultural differences and economic realities associated with those populations have created additional challenges for rural health care delivery systems that are already stretched thin. Experts warn, however, that society will have a high price to pay if access to medical and behavioral health care isn’t provided to immigrants regardless of their resident status."
So how do you handle stress? The easiest way is to "escape". Leave wherever you are and go to a calm setting; think about the happiest moments in your life and it'll work.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Win Tickets to See: THE SPY NEXT DOOR

We all love movies, especially action, adventure, family and comedy's. So what do you get when you combine all these genres? You get The Spy Next Door! The Spy Next door stars (one of my favorites) Jackie Chan as Bob Ho, an undercover CIA superspy who decides to give up his career in espionage to settle down with his next-door girlfriend, Gillian (Amber Valletta). Of course there's always the catch...he has one more mission to complete before Gillian agrees to marry him: winning over her three opinionated kids. If you ask me, all Jackie has to do is lay the smack down right?
The Spy Next Door releases January 15th, 2010 but wait; you have an opportunity to win free passes for January 9th, 2010! Enter to win advance screening passes in Los Angeles, New York, Miami Houston and Chicago! All you have to do is post your name and city in the comments section and I'll choose a winner in each city. Don't worry, I'll let you know which theater you can use the tickets at. So comment away!
p.s. The movie also starts George Lopez. haha
Tweets of the Rainy Day
It's a rainy day here in Philadelphia and people are complaining via their social networking sites. And although it's "Tweets of the Day" post time I'll refrain from linking to people's reactions about the weather. I mean come on, we all know you hate the weather this month...get over it.

Congrats to the folk at Latism. Looking forward to the conference this weekend.

Sometimes people need a reminder of why people choose Philly :)

Just say no to higher bills
I wonder if Temple students follow her back?
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Even death can be art
Last weekend I went to Taller PR's new exhibit "La Plena Mortal" by Antonio Martorell. The 2007 print and sculpture installation La Plena Inmortal (The Immortal Plena; plena is a style of folk dance and music from Puerto Rico) comes to Philly after having been inaugurated as a permanent installation at Hostos College in New York City.
The ehxibit is a monumental mixed-media installation inspired by woodcuts produced by Renaissance artist Hans Holbein the Younger entitled The Dance of Death, which pokes fun at human vanity and greed in the face of “the great equalizer.” You notice a lot of skeletons in the pieces and some interesting quotes on the "floor" instillation.
Check out what people have to say about the exhibit and it's dedication (via Al Dia).
The ehxibit is a monumental mixed-media installation inspired by woodcuts produced by Renaissance artist Hans Holbein the Younger entitled The Dance of Death, which pokes fun at human vanity and greed in the face of “the great equalizer.” You notice a lot of skeletons in the pieces and some interesting quotes on the "floor" instillation.
Check out what people have to say about the exhibit and it's dedication (via Al Dia).
What's wrong with Latinos...unfortunately

"The underdevelopment of state systems in most Latin nations led to the dependence on the family for support of the individual. " Don't you think there's something wrong with this. We depend on others. Our mothers are always saying, "Don't worry about it, I'll cook, clean, wash, etc." Yet when we get to college, we get shocked there's not one there to do it for us.
Be wise in the decisions you make in life.
Monday, December 7, 2009
PSPgo? Nope I got the PSP

- White PSP-3000 system
- Assassin’s Creed: Bloodlines PSP game
- UMD Movie (to be announced shortly!)
- 2GB Memory Stick PRO Duo
Will you work twice as hard?

Before we can unite with the rest of the population, I think we need to look at each other and stop complaining about every single thing.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Special Saturday Post: El Burrito Sabanero
Remember abuelita or tia would give you these random instruments during holiday gatherings? Everyone would think it was so cute that you were participating in the song. Well during a #Latism party someone mentioned "El Burrito Sabanero". It brought back memories.
Friday, December 4, 2009
That Really Doesn't Grind My Gears...Latism Fiestas

In order to win the cool prize, you had to visit a blog written by a Latino or a Latina, leave a comment and then retweet the post link with #Bloginaldo #Latism written on the tweet. Howe awesome is that!? It was so awesome that I won the first prize which was sponsored by Target. Hasta la proxima!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Up...to South America?

Mix in some more talking dogs, a strange bird and a floating house, you get a wonderful movie the whole family can enjoy. I specifically enjoyed reading Geekadelphia's interview with the creators. In the interview Bob Peterson says, "We wanted our locale to reflect and resonate with Carl’s emotional state in the film. The tepuis, or table top mountains, of South America are old, isolated, rugged, and dangerous but with a soulful beauty – a pretty good description of Carl." And it's true, Carl's character goes through some interesting emotions, good and bad. However, he eventually realizes he has to let Ellie rest in peace.
Overall if you are a true Pixar fan you'll enjoy this one. Hmmm if they added a South American twist to UP I wonder if they'll add a Hispanic character?! It doesn't hurt to dream right?
How did I Miss This - Clash of the Titans!
Probably one of the best movies I grew up with, my brother, dad and me would watch Clash of the Titans as if it were our first time. And now a remake! Movies about fictional god-like characters are always a hit in my book.
-Clash of the Titans-
-Clash of the Titans-
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
5 Reasons Why You Should Buy Me...

- It's portable and as you know I'm always on the go!
- After you buy it for me you don't have to do anything else. I download the pics, games, movies, etc. straight from the device.
- When you buy it, you can most likely play it too! Remember, sharing is caring.
- Need me to shut up? Just hand me this and I'll stay out your way.
- I love video games...'nuff said.
Tweets of the Day
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
What is wrong with people today?

I'm glad organizations like the Philadelphia Public Relations Association can provide programming for students. On Tuesday, December 8th they are hosting a "Business Etiquette 101" program with Gail Madison. The program will feature a presentation by the renowned etiquette consultant, as well as an interactive session for students to test their business etiquette skills, plus a networking opportunity with local PR professionals. Simple things like eye contact, web-to-web hand shakes, etc. are important when it comes to business etiquette.
An Influential Latino
One should never remember a person for what they have did, one should remember them for everything there were and will continue to be. Joaquin Rivera, un plenero del Batey, walked himself into Aria Health's Frankford Campus Saturday just before 11 p.m. because had pain in his arm and abdomen. Unfortunately there are people out there who believe in the suffering of others so as he was in the hospital, he was robbed.
I may have talked to Joaquin once, maybe twice but I knew there was something special about him. Little did I know he was not only a musician, but also a high school counselor. I looked at him as a simple man who just made his living because he "loved" it. And that's what we have to realize in life, it's not about money nor fame, it's because we like to help. This is (in my eyes) what an influential Latino should be. Yes presidents, executive directors, CEOs, etc. are all well rounded individuals, but it's the people who care about the people who deserve such awards.
LuzSelenia Salas, pintora y artista local, said, "Perdimos a un icono en la comunidad de Filadelfia, especialmente en esta época del año en donde todo el mundo espera ver a Joaquín en las “parrandas”."
God rest his soul and I hope we can remember him as a person with love for his people and pure culture.
I may have talked to Joaquin once, maybe twice but I knew there was something special about him. Little did I know he was not only a musician, but also a high school counselor. I looked at him as a simple man who just made his living because he "loved" it. And that's what we have to realize in life, it's not about money nor fame, it's because we like to help. This is (in my eyes) what an influential Latino should be. Yes presidents, executive directors, CEOs, etc. are all well rounded individuals, but it's the people who care about the people who deserve such awards.
LuzSelenia Salas, pintora y artista local, said, "Perdimos a un icono en la comunidad de Filadelfia, especialmente en esta época del año en donde todo el mundo espera ver a Joaquín en las “parrandas”."
God rest his soul and I hope we can remember him as a person with love for his people and pure culture.
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