Friday, November 7, 2008

Latinos in Philadelphia

So I've come across many influential Latinos in Philadelphia and I can't help but think, "I hope to one day be like them." The funny part is that most of them are LatinA haha. Is it me or do Latinas tend to strive more to succeed?

Here are a few of those influential Latinos I've come to know:
Oh and just today I ready an article in the Phila. Daily News entitled Latinos want bigger role in Nutter administration. Some Latino's are not happy with the lack of Latinos in power in the Nutter administration.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for acknowledging what Latinas have known for a long time. When you reach a traditionally-defined level of success (degree, professional career, etc.), and look around, you wonder where all my brothers are? Essence Magazine and other outlets have done a great job of detailing this issue for Black women, but I rarely hear it posed as an "issue" for Latinas.

I once thought of all the kick ass Latinas I know (i.e., handling it and then some), and who their life partners were. The majority are not with Latinos. Many are with white men/women, and many others with Black men/women. Upon further review, they are looking for someone they can relate to, someone usually with a college education who "gets it," and who they can converse with freely about politics, social justice, etc. And if you're running in those circles and looking for a's a tough search. They are out there, for sure, but you do have to look for them.

Obviously, our high dropout rate, the high incidence of crime amongst Latino youth, etc., are leaving a gap. As the mother of two beautiful Latino boys who will all too soon be strong, Latino men, this issue is of great concern to me. There has been a movement to reengage boys into educational opportunities, because movements like Take Our Daughters to Work Day, that were started in a time when girls and women had fewer opportunities than they do today, have left few opportunities for boys to identify positive role models for educational and professional success.

It is here where Gamma Phi Sigma and other fraternities need to focus their attention to make the greatest impact.

Sorry for the long response, but damn did you hit the nail on the head.
