However, after mi abuelito passed away I realized everyone grew even more apart. I still hear stories to this date about crap. Hey nobody's perfect but let's grow up. And there's mi abuelita, the one that everyone loves and is the center of our world. Without her, I honestly think we lose everything. She is clearly an angel from heaven sent to set us straight; she's always happy and loves everyone. She cries every time she talks to us (brother and me). I know she knows about all the silly little drama but it's great that she NEVER brings it up.

According to a study, Hispanic women usually get a more aggressive case of breast cancer. It's also worse if there is a history of it. Thankfully though, mi Tia Fela is a survivor, which is a great sign for mi Tia Gloria. I can only pray for her and all the other families undergoing the same travesty.
I was actually happy to be a party of Breast Cancer Awareness this past October. I was pleased to see Philadelphia's skyline go pink.

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