Monday, September 28, 2009

Don't be fooled...but please be careful

So you're on a "random" road trip from California to the tip of South America, what do you do!? Well one thing you don't do is take the mountain route! On National Geographic - Locked Up Abroad, we sort of realize taking brides are bad decisions, we also learn jails in other countries aren't to mess around. I watched the Colombian episode and it was different.

In this episode, Vacationing American Glen Heggstad is kidnapped by the National Liberation Army, tortured and interrogated for five weeks. However, this guy was smart. He realized that if he posed as a cancer patient, almost ready to die, they would want to get rid of him. Eventually after almost a week, he was released. The weird part...he continued his journey to the tip of South America.

I was just glad Heggstad didn't seek to find revenge. He didn't want "them" to win and that's what made him continue. So is it safe to travel to Colombia? Of course! Just be smart about it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He's lucky, they usually kill the sick with a bullet to the head. Reports say they use chainsaws on the body to dismember the remains. He was very lucky, some elderly hostages with high blod pressure were just shot and the march continued.