When you think about Hispanics or Latinos...do you consider that a race? There was an interesting article last week entitled "What Race Are Hispanics?" and it came to the conclusion "that you simply can't organize it by race; there's just too many of us who don't fit the finite number of races."
Do you agree with this? The article made the point that a lot of Hispanics are just ONE RACE, it said we can be mixed races from White, Asian, Black, etc. Now I'm all for being of mixed race but do a lot of people claim being mixed? I know a good number of people who just claim HISPANIC but then when you continue asking them preguntas, they go on to say they have mixed roots. I suspect when Census 2010 comes around, a lot of people will still be confused. I just hope people understand why this is so important and to "check" off the appropriate categories.
Race in the biological concept only consists of 6 genes among millions. It is an evolutionary trait that benefited people who moved out of Africa into Europe and Asia. The dark skin protected people from the harsh sub-Saharan sun. It was no longer a necessary in Northern Europe or Asia where the sun was higher and weaker. The only necessity for the Census to collect race data is for sociological data and to disperse the information among medical epidemiologists. A 'white' person has a better survival rate if he/she receives an organ from another 'white' person as opposed to a 'black' person; however, that doesn't mean the body will reject the organ because of it's genetic 'race'. Ironically, while it's true that 'Hispanic' doesn't constitute a race per se, Latino does have racial classifications in the medical field. Blood types, medical diseases, and treatments are found in higher proportions among Latinos, solely in Latinos, or completely absent from the Latino population. This unique 'racial' medical care was proven by genetic testing which revealed unique and mixed genetic structures that are only found in 'Latinos'. The US Census is severely deficient at handling racial data. Technically, Pacific Islanders and Native Americans are genetically 'Asian' but they have their own category in the Census. Basically this translates to "you are what the government wants you to be" which turns off a lot of people, especially most Hispanics who grew up believing that we are a 'hybrid people'. It's a cultural issue, and until the government understand the processes of culture and recognizes ancestral history, then most 'Hispanics' will continue to leave that race category blank.....or just mark all of the above
You say you hope people check off the appropriate categories...on Census...Hispanic and race are two separate questions...so if you identify as Hispanic, so be it...and you are to check off whatever race you identify with. There is no right or wrong. But yes, it puts us in a position to have to choose...when so many of us don't want to...or never had to before...if I choose black...that creates a difference between me and my brother, born of the same parents, who checks off white (or vv).
To be honest, if we want to get technical, we are all part of one race and that's the Human race. I know I may be reaching with this one but after watching District 9, what gives us (humans) the right to decide what is right or wrong in the Universe? Whether Black, Hispanic, Caucasian, European, etc. how will other life forms look at us as a human race? Yes I believe in life other than us :).
I agree with anonymous 2, "Hispanics are a hybrid people". As the Black mother of two, by appearances, non-Black Hispanic children, we take issue with the boxes.
To that end, I'd like to do away with boxing people in general.When will the construct of race be deconstructed?
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