Thursday, July 16, 2009

That Really Grinds My Gears...Dress Code?

So a few weeks ago I won a happy hour at an un-named bar in Center City. I get dressed semi-casual because it's a hot summer night. Actually, I had on khaki shorts, a polo and SNEAKERS. Why did I get to the door and the bouncer told me, "Um do you have another pair of pants or sandals?" Sandals!??!?!?!?!?

Apparently their dress code allows SHORTS & SANDALS!? Is that not the dumbest thing you've heard? Luckily the bouncer let me in because it was my happy hour. However, after settling in for the free drinks, I noticed other people with shorts and sneakers.

So what to do the next time I go there? The only reason I'm continuing to go is because my friends keep winning the happy hours. Should I wear sandals and shorts? *dun dun dun*

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