Telemundo (Philadelphia) has finally launched their version of HOLA CIUDAD! Hola Ciudad! is sort of a social networking platform where visitors can get news, weather, local info and even upload their own content.
You'll also even get to comment on certain things like blogs. Topics include health, family and job searches. Why are they launching this web-site for Latinos all across the nation? Well, according to a MediaPost article, in May 2009, 68% of U.S. online Hispanics could b found online daily, compared to 62% of the general market.

Although there might be a few things to fix on their web-site (just launched today), be sure to sign up and don't forget to check out Telemundo (locally) on DirectTV channel 62. I'm pretty sure it's something else if you don't have DirectTV. And who knows, you might see me on their public affairs program En Portada :).
is it cuidad or ciudad?just wondering bc if its cuidad, thats interesting....
you're such a philly-er (i dont know the correct terminology), yet you're a jersey boy. its an anomaly...lol
hola ciudad :)
If you just type www.holaciudad.com, it will default to your local city; we also have launched sites in Washington DC and Orlando - with 6 more sites coming soon!
woooops. i was just so excited :)
El Padre Hoyos tiene un blog, no potse!!!!!!!!!
hola ciudad le deseo mucha suerte y enojada con septa quieren mas dinero enves de estar agadecido que estan trabajando
Ey alex Ya esta better be in the VIP
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