A billion people worldwide do not have clean water to drink and every 15 seconds a child dies from a preventable water related disease. How do 1 billion people not have clean water to drink? To be honest this probably comes from our own faults. I am not an environment freak but I do believe in recycling and helping out our own planet.
Thankfully there are people dedicated to helping out the cause. PUR teamed up with a host of celebrity activists (including Jessica Biel, Lupe Fiasco, Kenna) and educators to create Summit on the Summit, the climb up Mt. Kilimanjaro to raise action and awareness of the water crisis. I'm actually proud of these celebrity activists. Usually celebrities are spokespeople, however, these actually took the challenge. To watch the journey of these brave celebrities, go to MTV.com.
You can also text SEND to 90999 to donate $10 to the UN Foundation on behalf of Summit on the Summit to provide 1000 liters of clean water.
Through a sprawling empire of more than 200 companies – he has said he has "lost count" exactly how many – which encompass banking, retail, airlines, mining, printing, construction, restaurants and particularly telecoms, he has developed an economic stranglehold on his native country so vice-like that a new word – Slimlandia – had to be created to describe it.Worth $40 million by the time he was 26, this guy really knows his business. While most of us at age 10 like to think about comic books and cartoons, this guy was hustling selling snacks and drinks. I'm pretty sure he can donate at least $100 to every person in the U.S. and still be the richest man in the world. Someone please get on that.