I bet you don't. I bet it's just another reason for you to drink at a Mexican bar or something to do on a Tuesday night. So why do we celebrate 5 de mayo? Well I put up the question on Twitter: I wonder how many people actually know why 5 de Mayo is celebrated?! First reply gets applause ;-). I didn't expect responses but I actually got 3 good ones.
- KineX4CUS@navaja1cortes beCUS the Mexican troops defeated the French and mexican traitor army on 5 de Mayo in Puebla. Booyah I can keep going...
- RDarioBermejo@navaja1cortes kicked the Napoleonic French forces out of Mexico, that is basically cinco de Mayo
- cintya2@navaja1cortes unlikely victory over the french in 1862.. in Puebla... :-)
But just in case you need something to do this cinco de mayo, NBCPhiladelphia put a nice list of local spots. The list includes Jose Garce's Distrito in University City and Northern Liberities' Las Cazuelas. So drink the night away and please be sure to tell your colleagues why you drank on a Tuesday night.

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