Some of you may be paying attention to this industry but the MEDIA is not dying, in my opinion it's just changing/adapting. Yes everyday I get tweets from
TheMediaIsDying but remember, there's also

In the past few months I have seen this industry change before my eyes, and if you think social media is killing it, it's I said it's just changing it. Just a few days ago, Univision
let go approximately 300 employees! According to the Al Dia article:
La persona entrevistada agregó que a nadie se le avisó de los despidos y que no fue sino hasta la mañana del pasado 27 de febrero cuando todos se enteraron; ese mismo día la corporación anunció el recorte del 6 por ciento de su personal.
Diana Bald, directora de Univision 65, refirió las preguntas a la oficina de prensa de la corporación en Nueva York.
El proyecto de Univision en Philadelphia comenzó apenas el año pasado con sus noticieros a las 6 y 11 p.m. que se transmiten por el canal 65 de televisión.
This really is a shame though. UNIVISION 65 just started their 6 p.m./11 p.m. news about a year ago, and now they're getting laid off. This reminds me of when Rumba 104.5 suddenly became Rumba 1040; but it wasn't as drastic.
Also today, Philadelphia Media Holdings announced that the
Daily News
is going to be a special edition of the Inquirer. Sounds weird right? I guess only time will tell when both papers just become 1 paper. I don't know the numbers but I'm pretty sure a lot of us read the papers online. There was even an article in the p
aper a while back asking if we should PAY for the news we get on't that be crazy.
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