Thursday, March 26, 2009

Attention journalists and/or journalism students!

Out of a job? Need professional development? Want to network? Well the National Association of Hispanic Journalists is hosting their annual convention...en San Juan, Puerto Rico! I know it seems almost dreamy just thinking about it. Although I have never attended NAHJ's convention, last year I attended Unity: Journalists of Color. It was amazing, over 6000 journalists attended. Although it is "a little" pricey, there are scholarships, awards, etc. out there for students and people under economic hardships; just do your research!.

Some of the workshops and sessions this year include:
  • Still Photo Basics for Non-Photographers
  • Literatura de la Realidad (Narrative Storytelling in Spanish)
  • Social Networking for Journalists (English and Spanish)
  • Intro to Multimedia Storytelling/Multimedia Bootcamp
  • Video Periodismo de la A a la Z
  • Live Shots in the Best and Worst Times
  • Beyond Newspaper Photography: Alternative Options for the Working Photographer
  • Writing Fast, Write on Time (For broadcast)
  • Skills Training Sessions on Audio Slideshows 101, Twitter 101, Blogging 101, Audio Editing and Podcasting, Streaming Live Video 101, Doing a Live Shot Through the Internet; Skype/VOIP, Get on the Map with Mashups
  • El uso del español en los medios de comunicación
For more info or to register go to NAHJ's convention web-site.

And if you plan on staying a few extra days, Impact Latin Newspaper suggests heading west to get the good beaches.

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