For the past 13 years, Taller Puertorriqueño has hosted the Arturo A. Schomburg Symposium. Although there's some controversy to his origins and research, Schomburg was born in Puerto Rico to María Josefa, a freeborn black midwife from St. Croix, and Carlos Féderico Schomburg, a merchant of German heritage. What a combo huh?
Anyways, this coming Saturday, February 28th, 2009 from 9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Taller PR will host the 13th Annual Schomburg Symposium entilted Afro-Latinas and Activism: Politics, Gender and Race. Presenters & panelists will include:
- Yvette Modestin, Founder/Director of Encuentro Diaspora Afro in Boston, Ma
- Dr. Marta Moreno Vega, Founder/President of the Caribbean Cultural Center African Diaspora Institute and director Hunter College’s Global Initiative of Afro Latin & Caribbean Organizations
- Dr. Claudia Mosquera Rosero-Labbé, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
- Maria Ines Barbosa, Program coordinator for the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), Brazil
- Deborah Willis, photographer and author-Obama: The Campaign in Photographs, invited
- Maria Quiñones-Sanchez, Councilwoman, 7th District Philadelphia, PA, invited
- Michelle Angela Ortiz, Artist and muralist, Philadelphia, PA
- Charito Calvachi-Mateyko, Restorative Justice Practitioner, Lancaster, PA
- Ana Benitez, Community and Political Organizer
- Moderated by: African American Museum Philadelphia
For more info about the symposium or to register, visit Taller's web-site.
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