Monday, May 16, 2011

The Mayan language

The other day I was watching the documentary Cracking the Maya Code and it reminded me about the linguistic history the Mayan culture still has today. It also shed a little more light about our history as Latinos. The first portion of the documentary touched on the Spanish conquistadores and how they attempted to convert Mayans to Catholicism. Did it work? It sure did but thankfully there is something called preservation and study.

It took many hundreds of years in order to crack the code. Oddly enough it was a mix of Americans and Europeans to do this. Why weren't Mexicans or other Central/South American countries interested? Maybe it was the European influence that still prevented them from being interested. However, today the people of Southern Mexico and Central America are still true to their roots. They practice many Mayan rituals, but unfortunately cannot speak the language. With hundreds of symbols, the Mayan language is very complex. It took me a while to be able to read the Mayan calendar which unfortunately I do not remember.

In addition, our Philadelphia native friends at the Eyes Gallery recently took a trip to Guatemala to explore more of the Mayan culture in Guatemala. I'm thankful there are people (Latinos and non-alike) who preserve our ancestral culture. Are you staying true to your roots?


Anonymous said...

"Spanish conquistadores and how they attempted to convert Mayans to Catholicism. Did it work? It sure did"

That is not necessarily true. Currently, the indigenous population is at about 85% in Guatemala (recently it was undercut and measures "officially" at 60% since the Guatemalan government is changing the way it identifies people of indigenous ancestry. Demographic Genocide much?) Most, if not all of the Mayan residents of Guatemala still practice their original spiritualistic beliefs. The battle for religious supremacy has been long and bitter. Mayan people in Guatemala, while demonstrating conversion, often still practice their original beliefs under the guise of Catholicism. The Mayan in Guatemala have been forced to find a middle path since certain death awaits (at the hands of the government or military) should they resist the mainstream culture.

"Why weren't Mexicans or other Central/South American countries interested? Maybe it was the European influence that still prevented them from being interested. They practice many Mayan rituals, but unfortunately cannot speak the language. "

This is simply not true. There are several dialects of the Mayan language (Achi', Ch'orti', Itza', Kaqchikel, K'iche', Mam, just to name a few), none of which need cracking because the languages are still spoken today. The cracking is necessary for these beyond the bounds of their culture because the reality is that we do not understand them. They are not a lost civilization. They know who they are and know their language just fine. Our ignorance should not be extended to represent theirs as well.

I would be very curious to revise the sources that you consulted in generating your post. I find the information you provided to be dangerous and misleading since it can potentially warp the the perception of the Maya today in a very negative light. Sure, years of warfare and colonization have taken a very heavy toll on their society. Without question. However, a very large percent of them still practice their culture with a superb understanding of their language. The ignorance lies with us, the outsider. Our cultural distance cannot serve as the yardstick upon which they are assessed.

Unknown said...

I reccomend visiting the Museum of the American Indian in DC, excellent and informative about the native peoples of the Americas and their language an hierarchy of society is so complex.