Our good friends at Latism (Latinos in Social Media) have partnered with the BlogWorld Conference to be held on May 24-26 at the Javits Convention Center in New York City. The conference will include a Latism panel which will include Latism board memebers Ana Roca Castro, Elianne Ramos, Giovanni Rodriguez and Sylvania Aguilera. During they panel, they will unveil the results of the largest study of the Latino Blogosphere to date.
With a network of 134,000 Latino/a bloggers, Latism continues to study the trends, demographics and purchasing behavior of influential Latinos online. Details about scholarships and special discounted rates will be revealed separately. The BlogWorld conference provides an education experience for all levels of expertise and interests.
So what is next in social media? Like every other industry, Latinos are getting more and more attention. An article from HispanicAd.com said it best, "It's important to knwo that there are 32 million HIspanics online, the Hispanic online market grew 13% from April 2010 to April 2011 and that Hispanics make up 14.5% of the total US Online market." Imagine that.
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