Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Shakira's YouTube Mini-Series with Fisher-Price

Remember when we told you about Shakira's partnership with Fisher-Price? Well it also included a YouTube mini series.

Some of the video subjects include:

  • Talking to Baby. 
  • How Motherhood has Changed Her. 
  • Working with Fisher-Price. 
  • Milestones. 

Watch them all after the jump.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Sharing your moment with Coca-Cola

Maybe it's just me but have you noticed all the Hispanic Heritage (Month) posts have ended? I'm seeing a lot more Dia de los Muertos posts from corporations still taking advantage of a culture they do not understand.

Anyways. I recently came across the following tweet:

Monday, October 27, 2014

American Hispanics by the Numbers

As of 2013 Latino buying power stands at an impressive $1.2 trillion, with women driving the purchases. Right now, with 53 million Latinos in the U.S., one in six Americans is Latino. In three short decades, it will be closer to one in three. These are all facts.

But where else do we get our facts? The media? Television shows? These are all biased mediums that don't really showcase the passion and statistics. This is where a forthcoming book comes into play...Latino Stats: American Hispanics by the Numbers.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Shakira to team up with Fisher-Price

As if Shakira can't become even more inspiring, she's now officially teamed up with Fisher-Price.

According to the Associated Press, Shakira and Fisher-Price will release six products that were co-developed by Shakira in November. The singer reached out to the company about the team up and proceeds from sales will go to her Barefoot Foundation. Some of the toys include a bouncer that plays music, alphabet blocks and a musical soccer ball, an ode to her soccer-playing boyfriend Gerard Pique.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Horrible news from Univision and Google

In a world of ever changing technology and landscapes, you start to wonder what business moves will be made in the next few years. Here are a few that were mistakes.

Okay so the first news from Google isn't horrible but it's ridiculous if you ask me. Google recently told the world they are launching a new web domain ".soy" that is intended for members of the Hispanic community. Really...(dot) soy.

Side note: I'd like to point out that I'm allergic to soy.

Anyways. I'm a firm believer that we should not have anything separate. By "we" I mean Latinos. By constantly segregating ourselves and not being inclusive, there are no steps moving forward. However, there are exceptions. Ad campaigns geared towards Latino audiences, Latino museums, and even foods (duh) are just some of the things that make Latinos unique. But with Latinos over-indexing online, why do we need a separate website? Sad to say, there already some partners on board with the (dot) soy.

Only time will tell if it's successful. Again this is a huge business move in order to improve profits. Egh.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Where is the National Museum of the American Latino?

It's been almost three years since the national campaign for the National Museum of the American Latino was launched. Since then countless other campaigns, contests, supporters, and donations have been made in order to bring this idea to fruition.

According to an article in the Orange County Register, "It literally takes an act of Congress to establish another museum on the Mall, alongside famous sites like the National Air and Space Museum, National Gallery, National Museum of Natural History and National Museum of American History. Organizers say the museum would show the impact of Latino culture on American life throughout U.S. history, with exhibitions of fine art, artifacts, documents and oral histories."

Monday, October 20, 2014

Out and Proud: The Gran Varones Project

Labels. These are meant to categorize anything from foods to people. As humans, we like to label ourselves Latino, Black, African American, Transgender, Gay, Straight, Blond, etc. Some come with baggage but others would argue they don't come with baggage but with opportunities.

But what is it like to live and work in a community that isn't what we thought it would be? Launched in April 2014, Louis "Louie" Ortiz created "The Gran Varònes" project which "shines a light on what being “out” and “proud” means to us, our families, and our communities." The photos have been highlighted using social media platforms like Facebook, Instgram and videos. You can watch the video interviews on Vimeo.

Some quotes from the participants include the following:

  • "I would love to be more in touch with the Latino gay community as much as I am with the black community because I feel that's where the strongest connection is."
  • "People need to believe in themselves. A lot of gay Latinos hold themselves back from pursuing a dream or becoming something because they don't want to be judged. And I am not about that."
  • "To some degree, i feel a disconnect as gay latino amongst other gay latinos. i don't always feel I have a place amongst them."
After reading most of the comments made by the participants, it really does make me angry but happy. Identity is something we all struggle. Just because we're Latino (or anything else) doesn't necessarily mean we have to have all Latino friends. It also doesn't mean we have to eat rice and beans...although I do love rice and beans. We let society attempt to stick us in a box on one path but when we go off track, somethings wrong with us. That's why I'm glad to see The Gran Varònes project highlight these Philly leaders. And no a leader doesn't mean they have to be a CEO of a company; just being highlighted and telling their own story makes them a leader in their own right. 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

News You Can Use: #RespectTheÑ, Social Innovators, and more!

As Latinos, we come in all shapes and sizes. But if it's one thing we have in common, it's social media. Read more about social media innovators and the unfortunate misspelling of someone who has passed away.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Videos: Wilmer Valderrama wants us to "wave one flag"

This passed Sunday, Wilmer Valderrama attended the Hispanic Choice Awards and was presented with one of the Living Legends Awards. Although I did not attend he captured a moment of his speech on Instagram (naturally).

There seems to be two battles Latinos face in the U.S. One against those who oppose immigration and call us "illegals" and the other against ourselves. I won't dive into it but below Valderrama mentions "wave one flag" to the audience. Self-explanatory right? See the two Instagram videos below.

Although born in Miami, FL he lived in Venezuela for a good portion of his childhood.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Video: Let's check out gringos attempt to roll their "Rs"

So why speak Spanish? Well according to the Pew Research Center, "Spanish is, by far, the most spoken non-English language in the U.S." Yep...that's very important.

I also think it's strange how we take a language up in high school (and sometimes college) for 4 years yet at soon as we graduate it goes down the drain. I'm at fault as well, I took French. Ask me to say my name is Eric in French...that's all I know. But the comedy, entertainment, and music website, Flama, took it upon themselves to create a video with "gringos" attempting to pronounce some of the most difficult words they could find. What you'll watch is pretty much hilarious.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Shakira spotlighting smiles with Crest

So it's not news that Shakira has been endorsing Crest 3D White Strips for a little over a year now, but what I do find interesting is facts/figures on Latinos and oral health.

According to a re-fielded national survey led by the Hispanic Dental Association Foundation (HDAF) and sponsored by Procter & Gamble (P&G) brand Crest, Latino's knowledge about oral health has improved since 2011. Take a look at some key findings below.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Social Media Conferences for Latinos

Photo via the Hispanicize Facebook Page

Back when I worked in Philadelphia, I would attend local and national conferences that pretty much brought a lot of insight to many industries. I've recently taken a step back (for no reason), but as I search more and more conferences, I tell myself, "Sign me up!" Although I am attending the Social Media Tourism Symposium in Nashville next month, I need something that speaks to me at another level.

So naturally I did some more research and came up with this nifty list below.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

News You Can use: Lists, first birthdays, Puerto Rico, and more!

From Al Dia: Alex Guevara (l) with his older sister, Dolly.
It's about that time! Here's your weekly "news you can use" where I highlight local and national stories of interest. Do you have an interesting story? Pass it along!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Brands and their Hispanic Heritage Month promotions

Well it seems as though Hispanic Heritage Month is in full bloom and I'm seeing more and more promotions from major corporations and brands.

Just recently I received and email from iTunes which is owned by Apple. The email stated:
For a limited time, chart-topping albums from great Latin artists like Romeo Santos, Selena, Marc Anthony, Enrique Iglesias, and Banda Sinaloense MS de Sergio Lizarraga are available for just $5.99.
And I must say I was really tempted to purchase the Enrique Iglesias album; especially after attending his concert with Pitbull at Boardwalk Hall. Alas, I did not purchase. I recently started listening to iTunes' variety of playlists. I even put on a Charlie Zaa playlist for my mom (during a road trip) and she asked, "How the hell do you have this music?!"

I did some quick Hispanic Heritage Month Twitter research and found a good number of brands/corporations capitalizing on Twitter. Are there any brands you'd like to recognize for their HHM outreach?

See the tweets after the jump.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Hispanic Choice Awards honors PA, NJ and Delaware Latino professionals

Although Hispanic Heritage Month runs year round, in Philadelphia, there's no better way to close out the month with an awards show.

The Hispanic Choice Awards (HCA) honors Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware’s Latino professionals, organizations and businesses across all sectors via a three-part event: a red carpet entrance via media row, the televised awards ceremony featuring live performances from today’s top Latin music performers and appearances by local & national leaders and a VIP After Party. I've had the opportunity to attend a few of these award ceremonies and it's great to see local leaders honored.

This year's HCA's will take place on Sunday, October 11 at the Merriam Theater. Click here to purchase your tickets.

In 2013, Eddie Palmieri was honored with the Living Legend Award which is presented to a Latino icon who has touched, moved and inspired the world through an unrelenting commitment to their passions and dreams.

Monday, October 6, 2014

NCLR ALMA Awards want you to #ShowOffYourALMA

@mayorgadc is ready for #ALMA14! #ShowOffYourALMA

Since 1995, the NCLR ALMA Awards (American Latino Media Arts) has honored outstanding Latino artistic achievements in television, film, and music. The show is an integral part of NCLR’s mission to create greater opportunities for Hispanic families in the United States. As a national prime-time television special with a cause, the NCLR ALMA Awards demonstrates how inclusion strengthens the entertainment industry and diversity strengthens our country by promoting fair, accurate, and representative portrayals of Latinos. Past ALMA awardees have included Robert Rodriguez, Rosario Dawson, Antonio Banderas, George Lopez, and other astounding Latinos in media.

This is taking Latinos in media in a strong direction but at the same time why should we create our own awards ceremony? The United People for Latinos in Film & Theater Facebook page always produces thought provoking post on this very topic. But I digress.

Friday, October 3, 2014

JC Penny partners with Monica Gonzalez

So it's Hispanic Heritage Month and all across the United States, brands are teaming up with Latino influencers to support various causes. Some brands try harder than others, some are just starting, and others have been doing it for years.

I will say JC Penny has a strong Latino presence online and in the market place. To celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, JC Penny partnered with soccer commentator and Olympian, Monica Gonzalez, to host a free soccer clinic for Houston-Area girls. Girls between the ages of 8-16 with an interest in soccer gathered to learn about the Gonzo Soccer Academy, the importance of physical condition as well as her decision-making tips to help them become future leaders in their communities.

Living a healthy lifestyle is imperative within Latino communities. In 2010, 28.2 percent of Latino children between the ages of 2-19 are overweight or obese (compared with 31.7 percent of all children those ages). These programs along with Michelle Obama's "Let's Move" campaign are important and we should all be aware and get involved with teaching our children about living healthy lifestyles.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

theHispanic is back with "News You Can Use"

So I've been neglecting this blog for quite some time now. It's been about 4 months since my last post and even before that, I sporadically posted. I have no excuses. The Latino community in the United States is very important to me and I must continue sharing these stories. So...let's make this happen!

With that being said, let's start out with a weekly "news you can use" where I highlight local and national stories of interest.

So do you have a story to tell? Feel free to send me an email or tweet me