Monday, March 19, 2012

Estado Latino launches on WFMZ

In another bold move by sponsors and TV marketers, WSK Lawyers is supporting the production of the TV show Estado Latino to help the region’s Latino community in the areas of business and economic development, health, civic participation and education. So why would a bunch of lawyers want to support a TV show? Think about's a huge investment that will pay off in the long run. It's like advertising, except you're just paying for the entire show. The show begins Monday, April 2 (air at 11:30 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays) and will be hosted by Norman Bristol Colón, former executive director of the PA Governor’s Advisory Commission on Latino Affairs, with co-presenters Pina Ugliuzza and Gabriela Raful, both staff members of the firm.

TV plays such a large impact in the lives of the Latino...but I wonder if it's going to be in English or Spanish. WFMZ already airs a Spanish-language news cast which supports the Lehigh Valley. This public affairs style show will absolutely support and increase businesses and organizations seeking Latino exposure. "There are more than 719,000 Latinos in Pennsylvania and this community represented more than fifty-percent of the state’s population growth in the last decade," says Bristol. "If we can help empower this community through Estado Latino, it is a mission-accomplished project that benefits all Pennsylvanians." Although located in the Lehigh Valley, I see the area getting more competitive.

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