Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Educating the Latinos to exceed

DECIDE.PLAN.ACT. That should sum up everyone's goals in life. Decide where you want to be and what you want to be. Plan ahead...there's nothing worse than jumping into things and acting like you know everything. After planning then you act. Your educational goals should be short and long term. And what better way to get national attention than a tweetchat right!? That's why in maybe (NOW) less than 10 minutes, The @newfuturo & @beinglatino DECIDE.PLAN.ACT. tweetchat will commence. Follow the education conversation at #LatinoEdu. 

Education should be extremely important to Latinos in the EE.UU. Sure you keep reading all these numbers about Latinos in this state and that state, but what good is that without an education. An education is needed to fulfill a lot of American lifestyles. I understand it's not SUPER DUPER necessary but it's an essential part of life. Why do you think our parents came to this pais? A bachelor's in today's age is easy to get (maybe), but let's move forward with master's degrees and even Ph.Ds.

Join us at the Tweetchat today (3 p.m. EST) and tomorrow, November 2 at 8 p.m. EST.


Unknown said...

How did it go?

Unknown said...

It was great. I chatted during the Tuesday tweetchat but missed today's. Overall people had the same impressions for educating young Latinos. It was great to see some high school students in the chat as well.