Tuesday, June 7, 2011

xQsi...just because: A new online community

Almost half a year ago, xQsi (Porque Si) Magazine launched its online community in Los Angeles, CA. xQsí (Porque Sí) Magazine is an online multimedia publication that features content on a wide variety of topics directly relevant to the lives of LGBTQ Latin@s and their allies. Although mostly based in California, they produce content that influences the LGBTQ community all over the the U.S.

Like any other new publication in the U.S., the founders took the road of an online magazine which makes perfect sense. There are many new print publications being founded and months later they seem to just concentrate on their online efforts. And according to their mission and vision, xQsi Mag. is not playing around. "Mainstream Latin@ media hides our true genders and sexualities. Queer media erases the importance of our unique ethnic and racial heritage. But through giving birth to xQsí, we unite them and make them one." The magazine covers everything from arts and entertainment to opinionated articles (which I'm sure get a lot of attention).

I actually appreciate seeing people my age give birth to something they feel strongly about. I sort of compare xQsi to Tek Lado. It was a simple idea turned into an online community. Both Latino based, but clearly different audiences...unless your an LGBTQ Geek which I'm sure do exist. Interested in learning more? Follow them on Twitter and Facebook :).

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