A while ago I wrote a post on BeingLatino about Latino actors getting a little more Latino. There were some people who commented, "Why should they play Latino characters? They should play mainstream characters." Well I'm sure there are a lot, but then you get those people who complain, "They're not Latino, they don't claim it."
I just came across this Latina Magazine post about stars you never knew were Latino! We're talking 7th Heaven, Beverly Hills 90210, Glee, Gossip Girl and yes even the girl on Parks & Recreation. So are we now satisfied with the diverse casting in TV shows and movies? I'm pretty sure the answer is no. Hell I didn't know these people were Latino but then again some of them were "half" Latino, whatever that means. This brings up another topic, how children grow up and whether or not their Latino mom and/or dad raises them a certain way. You just can't win these days.
1 comment:
Really can't win...the whole Politically correct B.S., and not being enough this or that, or only being half which doesn't count...Don't stand too close to me & tell me My President is not Black or Black enough & you'll know exactly what kind of gem stone I'm rockin on my hand lol (as it becomes a tattoo on your face)...So the solution is... say what you gotta say and do what you gotta do...If people are offended or have complaints that's THEIR PROBLEM. "Live your life"
SN: I def. thought the Glee girl was Jewish...oops on me
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