Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Be Counted...& Get Free Stuff!

Stereotype in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1: Latinos love free stuff and as the 2010 Census is right around the corner, Voto Latino has just launched Be Counted! Voto Latino is a non-profit organization which seeks to maximize American Latino youth civic involvement by generating voter turnout and increasing political involvement among this group.

According to a tweet which has been retweeted many times, Voto Latino is asking you to learn, pledge, and download 25 free songs featuring Pitbull, Morrissey, Mos Def y mas. Yep, it's that simple. And remember, there are only 57 days until Census day; be counted!


emm said...

How do i get my free songs? It says click the button above. What button?

Unknown said...

Go here:

Register yourself and it should take you to a screen that says "DOWNLOAD ON iTUNES".