Thursday, October 13, 2011

Supporting our youth for change

Early today I attended Youth United for Change's (YUC) annual awards reception. And for the first time in a long time I was blown away. Never have I heard and seen our youth so engaged in an event that it made me want to go out and advocate for them. Education is extremely important for YUC and I commend them on having the youth MC the event.The night was filled with awards, networking and ensuring a future for the children.

One of the most aspiring moments was when some of the members released their thoughts via poetry. They spoke about agism, racism, sexim among other topics. And wow they couldn't have been so much on point. They expressed their feelings in a comfortable media in an environment they are not used to. Being able to express your thoughts is important and I was happy to see this happen. Mayor Michael A. Nutter along with other council people were awarded due to their support in keeping certain schools open. After everythign was said and done, I believe everyone should have felt aspired to support education.

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