Latinos in Social Media (
LATISM), the first and largest non-profit organization to engage, organize, train and promote Latinos and Latinas in the social media arena, has released the results to the first study ever to take a look at Latina bloggers both from a demographic and a cultural standpoint. Given the growth of the Hispanic market, these Latinas are the vanguard of an emerging consumer segment that is the most attractive target for companies right now.
And it's true, if you search the hashtag
#Latism, you'll find a lot of Latinas, women and moms. They are all talking about the things we use everyday including food, entertainment, mom tips, etc. All of this while being a single moms or the head of household. One of the most startling facts uncovered by the study is that an overwhelming number of these Blogueras (70%) are heads of household while managing to keep up with the amazing demands of both producing and marketing a blog: While only 30% report being married, a significant 43% managing more than one blog and 57%
writing two or more posts a week.
So as you can see, they are a very powerful voice. The last thing you want to do is piss off a Latina mommy blogger. Not that you would, but they are out there and ready to engage with audiences of all kind!
Full survey report can be accessed here: Presentation-final