Wednesday, October 26, 2011

After three years, the hisPANIC still lives

Wow imagine's been three years since I started this tiny blog. I never would have imagined being pitched by PR agencies or other corporations considering I do that sometimes as well. However, you can't miss out on cool swag and excellent (tasty) samples. I'm glad I am still able to sustain this blog and at least inform one or two people of cool happenings not just in Philadelphia but all over the country. Again this blog is about us en los EE.UU. and then some. Gracias for all the support both good and bad.

And similar to last year's anniversary post, let's take a look at some great posts from the last year.
Of course there are countless other posts which pissed people off or just didn't get enough attention. Feel free to leave any feedback whatsoever. I attempt to take everything into consideration negative or positive. Here's to another year :).

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