Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The USA is one of those countries

Our home country, USA, is one of those countries we love and hate. It's one of those countries where we assume the best and expect the worst. It's one of those countries where we take advantage of everything and complain about everything else. So why not document what is not really known like the hundreds of thousands of children working "our" harvests for less than minimum wage.

THEHARVEST/ LA COSECHA brings to life the story of over 400,000 American children who are torn away from their friends, family, and school education to work demanding hours picking crops that feed America. Director U. Roberto Romano focuses on the lives of migrant farm workers Zulema, Perla, and Victor (aged 12-16) and captures how their 14 hours a day, 7 days a week on below minimum wage job requires much individual sacrifice in order for their families to survive.  

From the preview below, you can tell this will make it to everyone's TV screens. The ALMA NCLR Special Achievement Award winning movie, executive produced by Desperate Housewives’ Eva Longoria, is now available on DVD and VOD platforms. 

The Harvest/La Cosecha - Theatrical Trailer from Shine Global on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Canadian Realist said...

I wish America would deport and build a big wall fast.. No offence. But really do the math. There is a reason America is in debt.