Wednesday, June 22, 2011 complete me

I love it that Facebook allows people to express themselves at a pace they normally wouldn't in person. However, sometimes things do get a little out of hand. Would you update everyone about your wife's pregnancy? Complain about your weight or let a little steam off about our favorite spot futbol? Either way, it seems as though Facebook is quickly turning into a daily diary for men and women. I wonder when they'll roll out "dislike" buttons.

Here are today's Facebook posts of the evening:
  • "Mexico should win an Oscar for their acting and not La Copa de Oro!"
  • "So I am really 165 lbs."
  • "Oh God. The original Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers are on Netflix. Adios, productivity."
  • "‎10 cm dilated :) 1 more hr :)"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ironically, I re-watched the Social Network this weekend, I feel that Facebook is so far away from what made it cool, yet has done so much good (and bad) for that matter. Its connected nearly a billion people worldwide and has allowed developers and big business to get creative and make tons of money. Crazy how 10yrs ago none of it EVER existed.