Thursday, January 5, 2012

This Latino is continuing his education

The Pew Research Center says, "From 2009 to 2010, the number of Hispanic young adults enrolled in college grew by 349,000, compared with an increase of 88,000 young blacks and 43,000 young Asian-Americans and a decrease of 320,000 young whites." Should this number be higher? I believe as the years go by they most certainly will. The number of Hispanics enrolled in graduate school is most certainly lower; I tried researching it but couldn't find anything. 

Which is why I'm glad to be pursuing a M.A. in Writing Studies from St. Joseph's University; that's if they accept me. A very scary transition, I haven't been in school for five years. I would obviously take classes part-time and would have to really stretch them out for 2-3 years. Financially it will be difficult but I know I can do it. Most people go to graduate school to get more money but I'm doing it for other reasons. I want to better my writing, be more educated and go against the stereotype. It will also help me get out of the "Latino" box. Not that there's anything wrong with it, I just need something different. Here's to a great future!

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