Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The US Census is Reaching...Far

Maggie Steber for The New York Times

So how to you target Hispanics? Why not hit them where they watch the most...las novelas! As part of Telemundo’s partnership with the 2010 Census, the Hispanic television network has written a census storyline into their popular telenovela “Más Sabe El Diablo.” Now I must say this is very very clever of them, but will it work? I don't watch novelas but from what I remember, they are usually over-dramatic and involve lots of sex scandals. I could be wrong today but still. According to a NY Times article, "the Census Bureau is helping to compose a remarkable story line featuring the Perla Beltrán character on the telenovela, amid the genre’s usual tales of sex scandals, unspeakable illnesses and implausible villains. It may be the first plotline on a soap opera blessed by the United States government."

Hopefully it gets the point across. In fact, this story line better hit home hard! I think I'll ask my parents what they think about the Census even though they DO count. Although they aren't US Citizens, they are legal residents of the US.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Everyone counts when it comes to the Census. The questionnaire doesn't ask for citizenship status, and they definitely want everyone to fill it out so that your communities get all the federal money that's due to them. Undocumented immigrants use public transportation, public roads, send their kids to school, etc. They live here to, so they should say PRESENTE!